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CDPAP or PCS? How to Decide If You Should Switch

Elderly woman smiling and holding a family member

What Is Changing With CDPAP in New York?

New York State is making a major change to the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP). Starting April 1, 2025, there will be only one Fiscal Intermediary (FI) for the entire state: Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL).

This means many of the current 600+ FIs will no longer operate in CDPAP. Only approved facilitators and PPL will continue providing services. As a result, some CDPAP consumers may be considering a transition to Personal Care Services (PCS) through a Licensed Home Care Services Agency (LHCSA).

The New York State Department of Health (DOH) has provided clear guidelines for what this means. Their guidance confirms that: ✔️ CDPAP is still available after April 1, 2025

✔️ Switching to PCS is a choice, not a requirement

✔️ CDPAP and PCS have different rules and requirements

This article will explain the key differences between CDPAP and PCS, so you can make the best choice for your care.

What Is the Difference Between CDPAP and PCS?

CDPAP and PCS are both Medicaid-funded home care programs, but they work very differently.




Who hires/fires the caregiver?

You hire, train, and schedule your caregiver

The agency assigns a caregiver to you

Can family members provide care?   

Yes, including adult children, siblings, and other relatives (except spouses)           

No, unless there is special approval. Parents, children, in-laws, and other relatives who live with you cannot be caregivers

Caregiver training requirements             

No formal training required. You train your caregiver based on your needs  

Personal Care Aides (PCAs) must complete 40 hours of training with 6 hours of annual training. Home Health Aides (HHAs) must complete 75 hours of training with 12 hours of annual training

Background checks?

No background check required

Yes, a criminal background check is required before a caregiver can start work

Allowed to do certain medical tasks?

Yes, some medical tasks are allowed as long as the caregiver is trained by you

No, unless a nurse is involved. Some health-related tasks are not allowed under PCS

How is care managed?

You manage your caregiver's schedule and responsibilities  

The agency manages the caregiver's schedule and responsibilities

Key Takeaway

If you want more control over your caregiver selection, training, and schedule, CDPAP may be the better choice. If you prefer an agency to handle everything, PCS may work better for you.

Full Details

The DOH provides a comprehensive matrix of permissible and non-permissible activities for HHA and rules and regulations for PCS.

Caregiver shows a book to an old man

Do You Have to Switch From CDPAP to PCS?

CDPAP Is Still Available

Even though many FIs are no longer offering CDPAP services, CDPAP is not ending. Instead, it is being centralized under one statewide FI, PPL including around 30 facilitators.

DOH Guidance: Switching Must Be a Choice

According to the DOH, moving from CDPAP to PCS must be the consumer’s choice and must involve:

  • The consumer’s Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MMCO) or Local Department of Social Services (LDSS)

  • A new assessment and prior authorization if switching to PCS

This means CDPAP consumers do not have to switch unless they choose to.

Elderly mom laughing with her adult daughter

How to Stay in CDPAP

If you want to stay in CDPAP, you can:

  • Transfer to PPL as your new FI

  • Work with a facilitator that supports CDPAP under the new FI

Your care will continue without interruption as long as the transition is properly handled by the March 28, 2025 transition deadline.

If you would like to get started with your transition please give BURD Home Health a call at (585) 326-2880 or do it on your own with PPL@Home.

Person in wheelchair next to a friend

What Happens to Your Caregiver If You Switch to PCS?

CDPAP Lets You Choose Your Caregiver

  • You pick your caregiver

  • You train your caregiver

  • You set their schedule

PCS Assigns Caregivers Through an Agency

  • The agency selects your caregiver

  • You do not have the ability to hire/fire the caregiver

  • You cannot train or manage your caregiver directly

  • Some family members cannot be paid caregivers under PCS

Family Members as Caregivers: CDPAP vs. PCS

Under CDPAP, caregivers can be:

✔️ Adult children

✔️ Siblings

✔️ Other relatives

Spouses are not allowed to be paid caregivers under CDPAP.


Under PCS, caregivers cannot be:

❌ Parents

❌ Children

❌ Son-in-law or daughter-in-law

❌ Most relatives who live with the consumer

Background Checks and Training Requirements

  • CDPAP caregivers do not need a background check

  • PCS caregivers must pass a background check before starting work

  • PCS caregivers must pass state-approved training


If keeping your family as a caregiver is important, staying in CDPAP may be the best option.

Woman showing her senior mom something on a tablet

How to Stay in CDPAP and Keep Your Caregiver

You Do Not Have to Switch to PCS

PCS is an option, not a requirement. If you are already enrolled in CDPAP and want to choose your caregiver and manage your care, you can stay in CDPAP.

Steps to Stay in CDPAP

If you want to stay in CDPAP, here’s what you should do:

  • Learn about the transition process on the PPL website

  • Complete the requirements on your own using PPL@Home

  • Work with a facilitator that supports CDPAP under the new FI: (585) 326-2880

What to Expect With the New FI

If you switch to PPL CDPAP will still work the same way. You will still:

  • Choose your own caregiver

  • Train them based on your needs

  • Have control over your care


Final Thoughts: Protect Your Freedom of Choice with CDPAP

CDPAP is not ending, but the way caregivers get paid is changing. If you prefer choosing your caregiver, training them yourself, and managing your schedule, you can stay in CDPAP.


If you want an agency to handle your care and caregiver, PCS may be an option.


📢 Want to Stay in CDPAP? Contact BURD Home Health Today: (585) 326-2880!

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